Music Gallery




旅愁(Dreaming of Home and Mother)


1 更け行く秋の夜 旅の空の

  わびしき思いに ひとりなやむ

  恋しやふるさと なつかし父母

  夢路にたどるは 故郷(さと)の家路

  更け行く秋の夜 旅の空の

  わびしき思いに ひとりなやむ


2 窓うつ嵐に 夢もやぶれ

  遥けき彼方に こころ迷う

  恋しやふるさと なつかし父母(ちちはは)

  思いに浮かぶは 杜(もり)のこずえ

  窓うつ嵐に 夢もやぶれ

  遥けき彼方に 心まよう

1. Dreaming of home, dear old home!
    Home of my childhood and mother;
    Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find,
    I've been dreaming of home and mother;
    Home, Dear home, childhood happy home,

    When I played with sister and with brother,

    'Twas the sweetest joy when we did roam,
    Over hill and thro' dale with mother,

Chorus: )
        Dreaming of home, dear old home,
        Home of my childhood and mother;
        Oft when I wake 'tis sweet to find,
        I've been dreaming of home and mother,

2. Sleep balmy sleep, close mine eyes,
    Keep me still thinking of mother;
    Hark! 'tis her voice I seem to hear.
    Yes, I'm dreaming of home and mother.
    Angels come, soothing me to rest,
    I can feel their presence and none other;
    For they sweetly say I shall be blest;
    With bright visions of home and mother.
Chorus: )

3. Childhood has come, come again,
    Sleeping I see my dear mother;
    See her loved form beside me kneel
    While I'm dreaming of home and mother.
    Mother dear, whisper to me now,
    Tell me of my sister and my brother;
    Now I feel thy hand upon my brow,
    Yes, I'm dreaming of home and mother.
Chorus: )

 作曲者のJohn P. Ordway(1824〜1880)は、フォスターと同時期に活躍していた音楽家。"Twinkling Stars are Laughing"

"Love Silver Moonlight Winds" "Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother" など多くの作品を残したが、『旅愁』の元になった

"Dreaming of Home and Mother" は、どういうわけか、アメリカではほとんど忘れられているようです。













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